
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I figured I'd be able to tell you now that you seem a bit distanced. You haven't been commenting a lot and that's ok. I get that you're busy or whatever. I just couldn't say anything before.
Truth is I was cutting a while ago and I said that I wasn't. It's been at least a few weeks since I have cut, but I couldn't tell you because I knew it hurt you and I thought you were already hurting enough. Honestly, I'm ok now. I don't even really think about it any more. I just stopped. I stopped at first when I wasn't really eating but then something snapped inside of me and said hey, who are you to say you're not worthy. The moment somebody else breaks you, you can act like this. But not now, you're fine. And I decided I'd cut if I wanted to and I'd eat if I wanted to. I just haven't really wanted to cut. I have no doubts though, that I will sometime in the future. I don't know if it will be tomorrow, or next week, or in a month. I just think it will happen and I don't know if there's anything you could do to stop me.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could agree and say I was busy. But I wasnt I was to caught up in my own world with my boyfriend. Because of it Friday I almost lost a friend to suicide. So I was really upset and my boyfriend wasnt there for me so it got worst. But im back I promise to comment on every post even if its just to say hi. Im happy now not sad. I know someday soon Youll be happy too. Its okay that you cut. You know you can tell me even if it gets me upset. Id rather you tell me. Please eat more. Why do you starve yourself?
    I feel that your taking after me. I was the same way when I was depressed. I dont want you that way. It was horrible. Especially because not long after that I was thinking of suicide.
    Im so sorry I havent been commenting. Im back Im happy and Im here to help you. <3
